isogam Asl Delijan Company started its work on 24 june 2008 under registration number 236 in the Companies Registry of Delijan City in Central Province.
With the annual production of two million square meters of waterproof insulation according to Iran’s standard, this company has made an important contribution to the supply of isogam in the country, and since 2009, 30% of the capacity of this industrial unit has been exported to Iraq.
The most important goals of the managers of this company from the beginning has been to produce quality and durable products, and this slogan, along with pure products, has caused profiteers to abuse the name of this company and earn money by supplying low-quality products under the name of isogam Asl Dilijan. therefore the managers of the company emphasize that this company does not have any representation or any other branch in the country and the product is sold directly from the door of the factory and the sales unit so that our dear customers can buy high quality isogam under the isogam brand. The principle should be used directly.