Isogam repair time

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The useful life of a high-quality isogam that is installed correctly is about 10 to 15 years. Many factors such as the quality of isogam, the way of installing isogam, the correct methods of using isogam and environmental conditions affect the lifespan of isogam. When isogam no longer has the ability to protect against water penetration, isogam should be checked and after finding the place of failure, it should be repaired.

Some of these failures include the following:

– Isogam rot

– The presence of wrinkles and bloating in the isogam

– Sitting and damage and cracks in the ceiling and walls

– Isogam perforation due to the presence of heavy equipment on it, such as a cooler

– Perforation of the aluminum layer on it and water remaining under it

Observing these signs are signs that it is time to replace or repair the isogam.

The best time to repair isogam is in the summer season and before the rains, because if moisture penetrates the roof and walls due to rain, it will cause damage.

Isogam repair methods

Depending on the type of isogam failure, there are different ways to repair it. If a part of the isogam is seriously damaged, the damaged part can be replaced. To repair the isogam, the isogam installed on the roof must be removed first, so that the work surface is ready for the installation of the new isogam. To separate the isogam, you need to heat it and remove the worn part and replace it with a new isogam.

If the failure of isogam is due to the presence of cracks and gaps in the roof, special adhesives of isogam can be used to fix it. These adhesives fill the seams and cracks of the isogam and prevent moisture and water from entering.

Qirguni can also be used to repair isogam.

There is another way to repair isogam, which is to use one or more layers of isogam on top of the previous isogam; But this may increase the pressure on the building.

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